When I came up with the schedule for this tour I purposely included an extra couple of days in Detroit to meet with friends and family. As I type this I realize that I have not actually had a real “off day” in nearly three weeks. Every day since Seattle has included either a travel day or a ball game. In an effort to not run out of steam so close to the finish line, I elected to have a nice lazy day while hanging around the house in my sweatpants.
For those of you who actually clicked “Read More” on this one I will keep today's post short and sweet. I spent the day talking to Michelle about the wonderful world of teaching high school kids before Chris and I retired to the Playstation room to play some Tiger Woods golf. If you have not played battle golf on one of the Tigers Woods games you have no idea what you are missing. Chris and I used to stay up until 3 AM playing this game nearly a decade ago. We are now both significantly older, but that did not stop us from once again staying up way past our bedtime taunting each other for “one more game”. In battle golf when you win a hole you get to take a club out of your opponent's bag or add one to your own. It is incredibly fun and adds a layer of strategy to a pretty straightforward game. This is my last night with Chris and Michelle. Tomorrow I am moving over to another friend of mine's house to stay with her for a couple of nights.
Travel Stats
Miles Traveled: 0
Time in Car: 0 hours
Sleep Time: 6 Hours 15 minutes
Bottles of Water: 5
Food Eaten: Grapes, blueberries, strawberries, trout and truffle fries from Town Tavern
Total Money spent today $0.00
Cumulative Miles through today 15,012
Cumulative Time in car through today 271 hours 10 minutes