Welcome to Denver
I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to meet my buddy Ryan Rindler in Denver. I have not seen him in a couple of years and we have a lot of catching up to do. Rindler and I went to high school together back in Michigan. He is one of the smartest men that I know and I am also aware that he will be very uncomfortable with me telling all of you that he is a genius. This is my site however and I get to brag about my smart friends.
I am staying with some of Rindler's friends here in Denver so in addition to being smart, he is now saving me money. I got to Dan and Tal's house in the early afternoon and we hung out on their porch chatting about baseball. I had to make a quick run to the Walgreens to pick up some allergy medication as I was greeted by two large dogs at the door and my eyes and throat do not get along very well with furry four-legged creatures.
After I dealt with my allergies we headed off to a local park where there is live Jazz every Sunday. As soon as we got there the skies opened up and poured rain on the crowd for a solid thirty minutes. This gave me an opportunity to huddle underneath a blanket and get to know my new buddies Dan and Tal in a more intimate setting. After the rain cleared out it turned into an eerily beautiful night scored to soft Jazz music in the background.
Now that I will be traveling with a friend, my off-days may be filled with more adventurous activities. Rindler is not the world's biggest baseball fan so I am really looking forward to getting an outsider's perspective on my crazy baseball summer. He will be with me from Denver through Phoenix, San Diego, San Francisco and Oakland.
Travel Stats
Miles Traveled: 109
Avg. Speed: 68 MPH
Exercise: 35 minute cardio
Sleep Time: 7 Hours
Bottles of Water: 7
Bathroom Stops: 2
Food Eaten: Energy bar, noodles, Fat Sully's pizza
Total Money spent today $23.43
Cumulative Miles through today 5,701
Cumulative Time in car through today 102 hours 49 minutes